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The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive (EMCSA)
This is where it all started for me. This site focuses on stories involving mind-control and sex. Pretty cool, right? And you'd be surprised how many forms mind-control takes. This is THE site for the mind-control genre.
The MC Forum
This (and the Garden just below) are the best MC forums that I am aware of. This forum (MC Forum) is fun and very active. Very interactive as well. Highly recommended.
The Garden of MC
This (and the MC Forum above) are the best MC forums that I am aware of. This forum (MC Garden) tends to have a more sapphic ambiance than the Forum. It also tends to be cliquish, but they are usually friendly toward newbies. Lots of fun pictures here.
This is the largest collection of stories involving sex that I am aware of. They have everything you can possibly imagine, plus a few that you can't imagine, plus a few that you're really better off not imaging. And yes, they have stories involving the kitchen sink (those kitchen sink fetishists are no one to mess with).
Vanessa Montagne

You may have noticed that several of my graphics are of the same girl. The reason for that is that the girl- Vanessa Montagne- is as close to the perfect bimbo body as I have been able to find. This is the one I'm usually picturing when I'm sculpting bimbos in my stories. Her website is outstanding. She has a quality site which is updated and she has several enticing fetishes as well. Also, she wears far less clothing on her site than she does here. Visiting her site is highly recommended.
Lindie's Bimbo Training Page
Oh, this is a fun site. This is actually just one page of Doug's web site, but it will get you started. He has all kinds of pages, pictures and interesting ideas. It is a site you will go back to again and again...if nothing else, you'll go back just to see the pictures, as they change every 24 hours.
The Breast Expansion Archive
You didn't think a site with as much GR in the stories as mine wouldn't have a link to the BE Archive, did you?
The Stuck Site
This site is apparently no longer active, but I really enjoyed it, so if anyone finds it's been resurrected, please let me know.
The Haircutting Archive
Another fun fetish site, this one deals with hair cutting, head shaving and everything in between...whether consenual or not.
Hypnotic Wishes
This page contains a collection of sigils and hypnotic flashes that will go far towards turning you into a bimbo if you are female, or feminizing you and then bimboing you if you are male. Even if you don't play with the hypnotic toys, the site is a lot of fun. (Reminder- I'm not responsible if you play with the sigils and flashes and end up a big-boobed, bimbo stripper or addicted to sperm.)
Booty Vote
If you're an ass man like me, you pretty much need to see this site. You will be asked to vote on which booty is better between a challenger and whichever is the defending champion at the time. Giggity.
Cat Enema
This is one of the funniest things I've ever read on the Internet. It had to be included.
Ultimate Surrender
This is a great site! This is a women's erotic wrestling league. Two women (or four) wrestle. The winner gets five minutes to do whatever they want to the loser with anything they want. Hot, hot and hot. This site inspired my first story "Countermove."
Bimbo Rock
This site is owned by Cristina Prince, a bimbo writer with quite a following. She dabbles in pregnancy as well as bimbification, and her approach is a bit different at times. Give it a just might find yourself returning to Cherub Cove again and again.
Forever Changing
This site focuses on transformations. This includes a whole variety of changes, however, including categories like age regression (ar), age progression (ap), weight gain (wg) , pregnancy and others. It's not as busy as some sites, but there's a lot of interesting content.
Porn Worth Watching
This site is nothing less than selfless public service. He wades through bad porn so you don't have to! The reviewer is a regular guy, but he's also an entertaining writer and he definitely knows porn. Highly recommended, particularly if you do enjoy porn.
Blooming Faeries
This is the one of the best Internet comic strips I have ever read. It involves a medieval Chrystal Heights of sorts, and it has all kinds of erotic fun. Boob growth, body switches, perversions, big-boobed blondes...I've never seen anything else like it. Content warning: R material, borderline XXX at times. And the writer/site owner is also a class act. Highly recommended.
The Thoughts of a Wannabe Robot
This is a blog by robotunit8, an excellent writer in her own right and the most consistent reviewer of EMCSA fiction ever to date. She is an entertaining blogger as well as she dwells on various aspects of mind-control, mc fiction and other things as well. Interesting, well-rounded and fun.
NOTE- We lost Stephanie / robotunit8 / merry brooks to health issues in 2020. I miss this badass robot flapper. Her blog is still worth a look if you're inclined.
NOTE- We lost Stephanie / robotunit8 / merry brooks to health issues in 2020. I miss this badass robot flapper. Her blog is still worth a look if you're inclined.
Poor Mudak's Almanak
This is a blog by Mudak, the thinking man's mc author. He is very well read and will often drop interesting bits of knowledge gleaned from whatever study he happens to be engaged in at the time (an element he practices in his stories as well). Interesting and can't go wrong!