Friendly Skies
By: EyeofSerpent
mc, ff
EyeofSerpent is my all-time favorite EMCSA author (along with Downing Street). This author just knows how to write damn hot characters. I don't know if he/she is still active, but nothing new has been added to the website in quite some time. Eye is the author (along with Downing Street) that made me realize what is possible with this type of writing (before discovering EyeofSerpent, Downing Street and the rest of the EMCSA, Penthouse Letters was "hot erotic stories" for me). Eye is well-known for the cycle stories of the Ancients, but it was the introduction of Corelle D'Amber in the "Friendly" trilogy that pulled me in. "Friendly Skies" in particular caught my attention, probably because it was the first one I read. It was here I learned that I had a thing for a female domming another female. Not just domming...turning her into a slut whether she liked it or not. Corelle D'Amber was power, true mind-controlling power. I've had to discard several story ideas because the story revolved around a mysterious figure that, upon deeper reflection, I would realize was simply a very boring version of Corelle D'Amber without an eyepatch.
The Hypnotizing Megan Chronicles
By: Chase The Wind
mc, mf, ff, md, fd, hu, hm
Yes, add my name to the long list of readers who’ve selected this one for their recommended reading lists. This story is one of the staples for “EMCSA 101”, and do you know why? Because it’s awesome, and it puts everything that’s hot about mind-control on display. The author started with one chapter about a girl who goes to a hypnosis stage show and gets hypnotized. Readers reacted so favorably that he continued, and the resulting multi-chapter story is as readable and hot now as it was when the author wrote it.
By: NanoSlaver
mc, ff, mf, fd, ft, hm
I don’t usually get into latex or rubber, but this story is absolutely one of the hottest things I have ever read. A research center that creates rubber balls that coat women in rubber and turn them into sex dolls. One touch to the skin is all it takes. And if one employee decides she doesn’t like another? One of the most delicious turning-the-tables stories ever.
What's in a Name?
By: Flibinite
mc, ff, bd
Now this is a hot story! Flibinite creates a dinner seduction scene so enticing that you can feel the aura of potential heat just hovering over the table. Flawless characters and a scene in a limo afterward that actually realizes the potential from the dinner make this a delicious read. Great chemistry between the characters, fantastic build-up of heat and suspense. This story delivers.
Friendly Skies
By: EyeofSerpent
mc, ff
EyeofSerpent is my all-time favorite EMCSA author (along with Downing Street). This author just knows how to write damn hot characters. I don't know if he/she is still active, but nothing new has been added to the website in quite some time. Eye is the author (along with Downing Street) that made me realize what is possible with this type of writing (before discovering EyeofSerpent, Downing Street and the rest of the EMCSA, Penthouse Letters was "hot erotic stories" for me). Eye is well-known for the cycle stories of the Ancients, but it was the introduction of Corelle D'Amber in the "Friendly" trilogy that pulled me in. "Friendly Skies" in particular caught my attention, probably because it was the first one I read. It was here I learned that I had a thing for a female domming another female. Not just domming...turning her into a slut whether she liked it or not. Corelle D'Amber was power, true mind-controlling power. I've had to discard several story ideas because the story revolved around a mysterious figure that, upon deeper reflection, I would realize was simply a very boring version of Corelle D'Amber without an eyepatch.
The Hypnotizing Megan Chronicles
By: Chase The Wind
mc, mf, ff, md, fd, hu, hm
Yes, add my name to the long list of readers who’ve selected this one for their recommended reading lists. This story is one of the staples for “EMCSA 101”, and do you know why? Because it’s awesome, and it puts everything that’s hot about mind-control on display. The author started with one chapter about a girl who goes to a hypnosis stage show and gets hypnotized. Readers reacted so favorably that he continued, and the resulting multi-chapter story is as readable and hot now as it was when the author wrote it.
By: NanoSlaver
mc, ff, mf, fd, ft, hm
I don’t usually get into latex or rubber, but this story is absolutely one of the hottest things I have ever read. A research center that creates rubber balls that coat women in rubber and turn them into sex dolls. One touch to the skin is all it takes. And if one employee decides she doesn’t like another? One of the most delicious turning-the-tables stories ever.
What's in a Name?
By: Flibinite
mc, ff, bd
Now this is a hot story! Flibinite creates a dinner seduction scene so enticing that you can feel the aura of potential heat just hovering over the table. Flawless characters and a scene in a limo afterward that actually realizes the potential from the dinner make this a delicious read. Great chemistry between the characters, fantastic build-up of heat and suspense. This story delivers.